Emily Frank

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I am a doctoral researcher at the Research Training Group “The Dynamics of Demography, Democratic Processes and Public Policy” (DYNAMICS), which is jointly organized by the Humboldt University Berlin and the Hertie School. I am also a research associate at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM), which is part of the Humboldt University Berlin.

My main interests are in immigration, the welfare state, and mixed methods.

For my dissertation, which is supervised by first supervisor Anke Hassel and second supervisor Markus Promberger, I analyze the experiences of refugees with German social welfare policies. More specifically, I focus on civic stratification in social entitlements by legal status, experiences with bureaucracy and administrative burden when accessing social rightws, and how to approach these questions using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

For my work at BIM, I focus more on the role of public opinion in how the welfare state addresses immigration. I conduct quantitative research on determinants of welfare chauvinism as part of a project called Migration and the Welfare State.

I completed my bachelor’s degree in sociology at New York University and my master’s degree in public policy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

On this website, you can find more information on my research projects and download my CV.